Enhancing Replayability: Key Features Missing in Cyberpunk 2077’s Final Update

features missing in Cyberpunk 2077

Even with 2.1 patch, there are 3 key features missing in Cyberpunk 2077 that could give great value for its replayability.

Cyberpunk 2077 has finally received its final major update, known as Patch 2.1. This update introduces a myriad of new features: a rideable metro system, romantic activities with companions, an enhanced radioport system allowing players to listen to the radio while on foot, new bikes, Cyberwares, replayable car races, and much more.

For those interested, the complete patch notes can be found on the official site.

However, from my perspective, most of these features don’t contribute significantly to extending the game’s lifespan. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a fan of Cyberpunk 2077 and I appreciate CD Projekt’s hard work in revitalizing the game since Patch 2.0. Nonetheless, these new additions seem rather trivial to me.

Take the rideable metro system, for instance. While initially appealing, I anticipate it becoming monotonous after a brief period. Similarly, the ability to listen to the radio while walking seems unnecessary.

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When it comes to the replayable races, let’s face it—driving in Cyberpunk 2077 is frustrating. Perhaps it’s because I use a mouse and keyboard, but I’ve enjoyed driving in other open-world games like GTA, Mad Max, Mafia, Far Cry, and even the Saints Row series without using a game controller. Driving in Cyberpunk 2077 still feels slippery even after patch 2.0. The racing experience here is unpleasant, not due to the opponent’s AI, but because of the driving mechanics itself. The sheer number of driving mods available on the Nexus echoes this sentiment.

Additionally, the inclusion of new bikes, cyberwares, and other features seems redundant as they can easily be managed through mods. I hesitate to label CDPR as lazy, but it’s perplexing why they incorporated features already well-covered by the community.

However, the prospect of unlimited romantic events stands out as a genuinely valuable addition for replayability.

On the other hand, three crucial features have eluded CD Projekt’s attention, and these could substantially enhance the game’s replayability.


Missing Features in Cyberpunk 2077: TPP Mode

The first among these missing features is a proper third-person perspective mode. I’m aware of a mod that attempts to introduce this, but achieving a decent third-person perspective (TPP) mode requires well-crafted character animations. In case you didn’t know, character animations in Cyberpunk are awkward and clunky. Take a look at the video below if you want to see it.

Crafting smooth and realistic character animations isn’t a simple task, especially for modders who lack complete access to the game engine. This highlights the necessity for the game developer to step in and implement this feature.

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Despite numerous fantastic clothing and appearance mods available on the Nexus, I personally find them unappealing since I can’t see my character unless I’m in Photo Mode. In contrast, in games like Skyrim, where a TPP mode exists, I’m always eager to experiment with various armor and appearance mods, often installing tons of them for each playthrough to enjoy new looks.

Granted, creating top-notch character animations isn’t an easy task for game developers either. However, I believe that implementing a complete TPP mode could significantly enhance replayability. Many players would enjoy the game for much longer periods if they could consistently perceive different looks on V, throughout the entire gameplay.


Missing Features in Cyberpunk 2077: Skip Any Part of the Quests

In my opinion, the strongest element in Cyberpunk 2077’s gameplay is the combat. However, I constantly find myself yearning for more combat time in a single playthrough.

Sure, I could always play another playthrough but it means I have to do every quest all over again. As much as I admire Cyberpunk 2077 as a storytelling masterpiece, the narrative becomes tiresome after multiple playthroughs. Having completed the game five times, I’ve grown weary of quests with unskippable sections. I know we can skip the dialogue, but there are times in certain quests, like The Hunt and Following the River, where we’re stuck walking or driving alongside NPCs.

To be honest, it’s been over two weeks since I last played the game. Managing and updating numerous mods with each new patch has become a hassle. At this point, it doesn’t seem worthwhile. Yet, if I could freely skip any part of a quest, I might reconsider dealing with the updates and find it more worthwhile.


Missing Features in Cyberpunk 2077: Replayable NCPD Scanner Hustles

As I mentioned earlier, I’m a big fan of combat in Cyberpunk and can’t get enough of it. Unfortunately, the only repeatable combat activity is the Dogtown’s airdrop, and even that isn’t easily accessible compared to the repeatable Vehicle Contracts Missions.

While the previously mentioned features (TPP Mode and Skip Any Quest Section) could draw old players back to Night City, I think repeatable NCPD Scanner Hustles is easier to implement. I know that enemies respawn in that area, so all CDPR needs to do is manage the UI to make the ‘activity’ repeatable.

I really wish there were procedural Organized Crimes and Increased Criminal Activity in the game. Mods like Jobs of Night City – MaxTac and The Gangs of Night City offer a similar experience, but they currently don’t work flawlessly (AFAIK). CDPR, as the game developer, could better implement this since they have full access to the game engine.



In the end, I don’t hold high expectations at this point. I simply wanted to share my thoughts through this writing. Perhaps, if CD Projekt acknowledges these three features, I hope they consider incorporating them into their next Cyberpunk game.

Yabes Elia

Yabes Elia

An empath, a jolly writer, a patient reader & listener, a data observer, and a stoic mentor

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