In this Cyberpunk 2077 Save Editor tutorial, I’ll explain what you can and can’t do to make your life easier in the Night City.
A while back, I created a beginner’s tutorial for modding Cyberpunk using Cyber Engine Tweak (CET). While it’s quite user-friendly for beginners like myself, there are limitations and caveats to consider regarding how CET operates within Cyberpunk 2077.
For instance, you can increase your favorite gun’s magazine size with CET, but it reduces the gun’s DPS proportionally to the magazine size. Curiously, the larger the magazine, the lower the DPS. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. Haha…
In another attempt, I tried to make the “Like a Feather” perk function with all guns, not just Shotguns, LMGs, and HMGs as in the vanilla version. Unfortunately, my limited coding and modding knowledge prevented me from achieving this.
Yet, I discovered I could eliminate the movement speed penalty for my V using the Save Editor, effectively achieving my original purpose. I’ll delve into this shortly.
Another benefit of using the Save Editor instead of mods is its independence from mod dependencies (like Redscript, TweakXL, RED4ext, etc.), making it less prone to breaking when the game updates.
You could download the Save Editor (Project CyberCAT-SimpleGUI) on the Nexus or its GitHub page.
Without further ado, let’s dive in.
Don’t Do It: Modifying Quest Facts with Save Editor for Cyberpunk 2077
Before we explore cheating stats, let’s address a crucial point—modifying quest facts using the Save Editor. It’s a frequently asked question across the community and strongly advised against due to potential quest chain disruptions or unintended outcomes, especially at the time of this writing.
Why? Here’s my hypothesis: When you make a decision during a quest, such as letting an NPC die, the game logs multiple quest facts. Editing just one fact to alter an NPC’s condition might conflict with other unaltered quest facts, disrupting the quest chain.
Avoid this unless solely for testing purposes. The only Quest Fact that I’ve read working as intended by changing it via the Save Editor is unlocking the Secret Ending. However, I’ve not tested it myself, so do it at your own risk if you want to try it out.
Let’s Do It: Cheating the Game with Cyberpunk 2077 Save Editor
With that cautionary note, let’s focus on why we’re here.
There are indeed many things that you can do using the Cyberpunk 2077 Save Editor. However, I think most of them are straightforward and you don’t need a tutorial for that.
For me, what’s more important is the list of Additional Stats that you can add using the Save Editor. I’ll create two tables for the list of Stats: one for the Player Stats and another for the Weapon Stats.
In case you aren’t familiar with adding Additional Stats to your character (V) or your weapons, here’s how you can do it:
To add Additional Stats to your character (V), navigate to the Player Stats tab (the first tab) in the Save Editor. Then, click the “Edit Additional Stats” button in the center, and it will open a new window where you can click the “+ New Constant.”
On the other hand, if you wish to modify your weapons, head to the Inventory tab. Here, you’ll find all items in V’s inventory and Car Stash. Check the list at the top right of the window to switch between the Inventory and the Stash.
Locate the weapon you want to modify and double-click it. Note that the weapon name displayed here might differ from the actual in-game name. If you need to find the ID of the weapon you want to modify, you can download the Categorized All-In-One Command List and check the WEAPONS tab in the Excel file.
Always back up your save files before making any changes to avoid losing progress. The save file directory on my PC is “C:\Users\yabes\Saved Games\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077.” Adjust the username accordingly.
Keep in mind that the list might not cover all addable Stats—only those I’ve personally tested. Some stats remain unverified, and I’ll note these accordingly. I might update the list if I discover more stats, provided I’m not feeling too lazy (LOL).
Player Stats
This is the table for Player Additional Stats. You can play around with the Values. Check the notes for some of the Stats/In-Game Effects. You could also use the same method for similar stats that enable additional In-Game Effect.
Type | Stats | Modifier | Value | In-Game Effect |
Constant | Armor | Additive | 50 | Add 50 Armor |
Constant | BonusQuickHackDamage | Additive | 5 | Add 500% Quickhack Damage |
Constant | CanQuickHackCriticallyHit | Additive | 1 | Enable Quickhack Critical Damage without any Cyberware |
Constant | CarryCapacity | Additive | 900 | Add 900 Carrying Capacity |
Constant | CritChanceBonus | Additive | 15 | Add 15% Crit Chance |
Constant | CritDamageBonus | Additive | 20 | Add 20% Crit Damage |
Constant | CyberdeckOverclockDecayRate | Multiplier | 0.1 | Make Overclock Duration Last Longer. Default number is 1 (100%). |
Constant | CyberdeckOverclockRegenRate | Additive | 100 | Reduce Overclock Cooldown (AFAIK, By Default, the Overclock Regen Rate is 1). |
Constant | ElectrocuteImmunity | Additive | 1 | Give Electrocuted Immunity |
Constant | ExplosionResistance | Additive | 10 | Add 10% Explosion Damage Resistance |
Constant | GrenadeExplosionBonusRange | Additive | 3 | Add 300% Bonus Grenade Explosion Range |
Constant | GrenadesChargesRegenRate | Additive | 2 | Add 200% Recharge Speed for Grenade Items |
Constant | HasBlindImmunity | Additive | 1 | Give Blind Immunity. Should also work with other “Has_” Stats. |
Constant | HasSmartLink | Additive | 1 | Enable Smart Link, without Equipping Cyberware. Should also work with other “Has_” Stats. |
Constant | HeadshotDamageMultiplier | Additive | 20 | Add 20% Headshot Damage Multiplier |
Constant | HealingItemsChargesRegenRate | Additive | 2 | Add 200% Recharge Speed for Health Items |
Constant | Health | Additive | 500 | Add 500 Health |
Constant | Humanity | Additive | 60 | Add 60 Cyberware Capacity |
Constant | KerenzikovCooldownDuration | Multiplier | 0.3 | Multiply Kerenzikov Cooldown/Recharge Time by 30% (Make it much faster; By Default, It’s Multiplier is 100%). |
Constant | LocomotionPenaltyDisabled | Additive | 1 | Remove any kind of Movement Speed Penalty, such as wielding Sasquatch’s Hammer, or O’Five Sniper Rifle |
Constant | Max Speed | Additive | 2 | Add 2 Movement Speed |
Constant | MemoryCostReduction | Additive | 99 | Add 90 RAM Cost Reduction |
Constant | MemoryRegenRateMult | Additive | 25 | Add 250% RAM Recovery Rate Multiplier in Combat |
Constant | MitigationChance | Additive | 10 | Add 10% Mitigation Chance |
Constant | MitigationStrength | Additive | 10 | Add 10% Mitigation Strength |
Constant | OpticalCamoRechargeDuration | Multiplier | 0.1 | Multiply Optical Camo Cooldown/Recharge Time by 10% (Make it much faster; By Default, It’s Multiplier is 100%). |
Constant | OverclockSpreadChance | Additive | 1 | Give 100% Chance for Quickhacks to Spread when Overclock is Active (Inconsistent; Sometimes it could trigger without Overclock) |
Constant | ProjectileLauncherChargesRegenRate | Additive | 100 | Reduce Projectile Launcher Cooldown (I think the Default number is 1). |
Constant | QuickHackCritChance | Additive | 100 | Add 100% Quickhack Critical Chance (Must be Enabled first by Equiping Relevant Cyberware or Adding Additional Stats |
Constant | QuickHackOverclockSpreadNumber | Additive | 5 | Add 5 more Additional Targets for the Overclock Spread (Inconsistent; Sometimes it could trigger without Overclock) |
Constant | QuickHackSpreadDistanceIncrease | Additive | 1 | Add Distance to Quickhack Spread (I’m not sure about the number though. Don’t add too high or it will break the Spread) |
Constant | QuickHackUploadTimeDecrease | Additive | 0.5 | Reduce Quickhack Upload Time by 50% |
Constant | Stamina | Additive | 999 | Add 999 Stamina |
Constant | StaminaCostReduction | Additive | 1 | Add 100% Stamina Cost Reduction for Using Weapon |
Constant | StaminaRegenRateAdd | Additive | 1 | Add 1% Stamina Regen Rate (Capped at 125%) |
Constant | StealthHitDamageBonus | Additive | 20 | Add 20% Bonus Stealth Damage |
Constant | TimeDilationKerenzikovDuration | Additive | 1 | Add 100% Duration for Kerenzikov (Double the Duration) |
Constant | TimeDilationSandevistanDuration | Additive | 7 | Increase Duration of the Sandevistan (I think the Default number is 1). |
Constant | TimeDilationSandevistanRechargeDuration | Multiplier | 0.1 | Multiply Sandevistan Cooldown/Recharge Time by 10% (Make it much faster; By Default, It’s Multiplier is 100%). |
Weapon Stats
This is the table for Weapon Additional Stats. Same as the previous table, you can play around with the Values. Also, check the notes for some of the Stats/In-Game Effects.
Type | Stats | Modifier | Value | In-Game Effect |
Constant | BleedingApplicationRate | Additive | 10 | Give 10% Bleed Chance |
Constant | BurningApplicationRate | Additive | 10 | Give 10% Burn Chance |
Constant | CycleTime | Multiplier | 0.1 | Affect Firerate, Lower is Faster. Not Fully Tested |
Constant | DPS | Additive | 50 | Add 50 Weapon DPS |
Constant | ElectrocutedApplicationRate | Additive | 10 | Give 10% Shock Chance |
Constant | MagazineCapacity | Additive | 50 | Add 50 Magazine Capacity |
Constant | PoisonedApplicationRate | Additive | 10 | Give 10% Poison Chance |
Constant | ProjectilesPerShot | Additive | 5 | Add 5 projectiles/bullets on every shot |
Constant | RecoilKickMax | Multiplier | 0.1 | Reduce Recoil by multiplying the Recoil Kick Max by 1%. Default Multiplier is 1 (100%), AFAIK. Not Fully Tested |
Constant | RecoilKickMaxADS | Multiplier | 0.1 | Reduce Recoil when Aiming by multiplying the Recoil Kick Max by 1%. Default Multiplier is 1 (100%), AFAIK. Not Fully Tested |
Constant | RecoilKickMin | Multiplier | 0.1 | Reduce Recoil by multiplying the Recoil Kick Min by 1%. Default Multiplier is 1 (100%), AFAIK. Not Fully Tested |
Constant | RecoilKickMinADS | Multiplier | 0.1 | Reduce Recoil when Aiming by multiplying the Recoil Kick Min by 1%. Default Multiplier is 1 (100%), AFAIK. Not Fully Tested |
Constant | ReloadAmount | Additive | 10 | Increase Reload Amount to 10 Bullets. This is only useful for Shotguns (like Mox or Bloody Maria) which Reload one bullet at a time. |
Constant | StunApplicationRate | Additive | 10 | Give 10% Stun Chance |
Constant | TechPierceEnabled | Additive | 1 | Make the gun can shoot through solid objects (wall, cover, etc.), similar to Fully Charged Tech Weapon |
Once again, the tables above don’t contain all the Stats. You could experiment yourself with other Stats if you want. There is no harm in doing that. Just don’t forget to backup your save file. So, have fun!